Boruto Episode 238 - A Killer on the Ship - Summary

  Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great. This blog is summary and review of episode 238 of Boruto (Title: A Killer on the Ship). So, let's get started.

The episode begins with the ship moving towards the Hidden Mist safely. However, Iwabe has doubts on safety because of the former "Seven Ninja Swordsmen" also being there in the same ship with them. Kagura however still trusts them and reminds Iwabe that they still have the curse mark implanted on them. Iwabe is still concerned because of how Kyohō went on a rampage during their fight against Funato clan in the last episode. Boruto reminds him that Kyohō is currently pretty calm so there is no need to worry. No just that, Buntan actually helped them some pretty bad situations too during their mission. Kagura thank Boruto for trusting them. During night, as they are asleep, a huge shadowy figure enters Captain Taiki's room while he is asleep. As his eyes open, he see the person who entered his room in front of him with a huge blade that resembles Kyohō's blade and then the shadowy figure kills captain using the blade. 

Next day, when Boruto wakes up, Sarada rushes towards him to inform him about Captain's murder. They start to wonder if there was someone from the Funato amongst the people they rescued or may be someone from the Funato was hiding in the ship already when they rescued everyone. Mitsuki closely examines the cut from the blade that killed the captains and informs the team saying "The murder weapon seems to have been a very heavy blunt object". To this, Kawaki questions where the big guy (referring to Kyohō) is. The other former members also point out that he is still not there. In the next scene, we see Kyohō wiping off blood from his blade, looking scared.

  Hebiichigo and Iwabe rushes to the room where Kyohō was trying to clean his blade so he tries to hide his blade, to which Iwabe questions what he is hiding. Iwabe finds the cloth that Kyohō was using to clean his blade and questions him if he killed the captain to which Kyohō informs that he didn't and that he does not know what happened. Iwabe points his staff towards him and questions where he was the last night to which he simply responds that he was just sleeping. Since Kyohō do not have memory of whenever he goes into a rampage, Iwabe and Kawaki suspect that he might have lost control and killed the captain last night. Kyohō denies and gets up from his place. As Kyohō and Iwabe are about to have a fight, Hebiichigo builds a thread barrier between the two of them to stop them. Hebiichigo and Boruto tries to calm Iwabe down. Everyone gathers and decides to keep Captain's death a secret and investigate further to find out the murderer as he still has to be in the ship. Boruto and Iwabe decides to stay back with Kyohō in order to keep an eye on him. Everyone else splits in a group of two. While they are investigate, someone from a group in the ship points out that Captain was been killed. Denki tries to calm the group down, to which a lady from the group questions if they are sure that the former criminal that are on the ship are not involved in the murder(referring to the former Seven Ninja Swordsmen). Denki wonders how this news spread so fast. 

They gather together pointing that they could not find anything suspicious. Right then, Denki and Kawaki bring a witness with them who testifies that he saw Kyohō moving towards Captain's quarters. and asks Kyohō to remove his mask, something that which Kyohō refuses to do. The witness points towards Kyohō saying that he knew that he has to be from Funato to which Kawaki points out that Funato have mark on their faces that identifies them so they suspect that Kyohō is hiding such a marking. Kawaki points out that the crowd that came with him will not be satisfied till Kyohō removed his mask. Kyohō gets anxious and runs away from the room. Iwabe, Kawaki and  Boruto follows him. Iwabe reaches a room where Kyohō goes into a  rampage and starts attacking him. Kawaki stabs Kyohō from behind him and apparently kills him. Kyohō's body has been kept on hold. 

During night, guy who testified Kyohō being the murderer approaches Kyohō's dead body saying that "It seems like everything's going well" and then he vomits water. Turns out that someone from Funato had possessed the witness's body and is glad that he finally did manage to get the group fight amongst themselves. He also admits that he stole Kyohō's blade for captain's murder while Kyohō was asleep. He now intends to poses Kyohō's body and kill them one by one.

As he tries to remove the cloth that covered Kyohō's face, Kyohō catches him and throws him down. Apparently, it was just a trap to catch the real murderer while Everyone were secretly waiting in the room. Everyone got amused by how Kawaki figured out that the murderer is hiding in someone's body, to which Kawaki points out that the islanders getting the information about the murder a little too quickly(as mo one other than Team 7, Team 10 and Team Kagura knew about the murder and all of them kept it a secret). Also, the witness's statement said that he saw Kyohō moving towards captain's quarters while he was going to bathroom, however the bathroom and captain's room were in opposite directions, thereby making the witness a suspect.     

The Funato guy tries to escape by transforming himself to water, however Boruto and Mitsuki throws a lightning style enhanced kunai on him, however he manages to escape from the space between the walls of the room.

As he tries to take the engine out, he is stopped by Hebiichigo's sword strings. He wonders how is she able to stop him in his liquid state to which she explains that it's because "No one can escape from these threads that can bind chakra itself!". As the team tries to interrogate him, he decides to blow himself causing a huge blast. Kyohō protects Hebiichigo from the blast. 

Everyone find out that Kyohō was indeed innocent and feel bad about suspecting him. Metal wonders what is behind Kyohō's mask then, to which Kyohō explains that his village was burned down by Funato and that he has scars from that time under the mask, which also explained the reason for Kyohō losing control when he see blood. Iwabe apologises to Kyohō for suspecting him to which Kyohō tells to not worry about as he himself took so long to tell anything. Denki returns after examining the engine and informs the team that engine is not in a good shape. The episode ends with Boruto admitting that this means that they still have some difficulties in their way.       
