Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - Trailer Breakdown

Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

This is just breakdown of the new "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" trailer that came out today.

So, the trailer starts with Strange's dreams that he has been getting along with the line "Every night I dream the same dream, and then, the nightmare begins...". The first time I saw this scene, two things came to my mind.

  • Is this teasing that the main villain of this movie could actually be "Nightmare" after all.
  • This actually reminds me of Tony's PTSD in Iron-Man 3 as the impact of the NY battle in the first Avengers movie. 
In the below scene, if we look closely, Strange's cloak looks a bit different than usual.

I believe there could be two possibilities.

Either this is an alternate version of Strange or this is MCU's  Strange and the cloak itself got damaged due to something that happened during the movie before this scene.

Another scene looks like there has been an attack in the sanctum and several other people (possibly other sorcerers) are trying to attack someone.

In the next scene, America Chavez has been captured by a monstrous being while she is trying to open her signature "Star Portal" that they will potentially be using for travelling between different realities/universes. 

Then, it looks like Strange is probably using some kind of dark magic, most likely to prevent some kind of threat as he says "I did what I had to do to protect our world" to which Wong explains him that he can't control everything.

It's then explained that Strange has opened a doorway between universes, most likely due to the side effects of the events that happened in "Spider-Man: No Way Home". Potentially anyone or or anything could walk through it.

Strange visits Wanda to ask her what she knows about the multiverse, to which she explains that Vision has some theories and that he believed that it was dangerous. Now, we must remember that the Vision she is referring to is most likely the pre Infinity War Vision, who did had a mind stone. It is possible that the infinity stones of different universes could all be connected some how due to which Vision had some idea about the multiverse just like Venom's "Hive Mind", however, Vision didn't had much knowledge about the limits of the mind stone due to which he could have gained just limited knowledge about the multiverse based on which he would have had his own theories. Also, Wanda most likely does poses the Darkhold through which she most likely does have some knowledge regarding the multiverse(based on the post credit scene of WandaVison series, however she seem to be hiding that fact.

In another scene, it looks like a lot of wizards are preparing for some fight, one of then seems to be a character known as Asterius(a.k.a. Minotaur)

Then it looks like Strange has been arrested and brought to what seems to me like the headquarters of the "Illuminati". Why do I think so, well because of the below scene.

And then we hear a "Mystery Voice" (that's what the subtitles calls it) saying "We should tell him the truth" that sounds a bit like Professor X from the Fox universe along with a scene showing someone from behind  approaching Strange that also seem to be Professor X.

In the next scene, it looks like Strange is travelling across different universes with American Chavez.

Then we have the same scene that we had in the teaser where Strange meets his dark version(that may or may not be Strange Supreme).
In the scene next to that, we see that someone seem to be trying to attack Wanda. Initially I thought that it could be Johnny Storm (the human torch), most likely an alternate version and not MCU's actual human torch, however eventually I realised that it seemed more like Captain Marvel. Even though the powers does seem to be like Captain Marvel, the appearnce looked a bit different, therefore I believe that it could potentially be Photon that was been teased in WandaVision series.

Following this, we hear Wanda telling Strange "You break the rules and become the hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair". To be honest, Wanda isn't completely wrong, Strange has broke the rules knowingly so many times and yet people consider him a hero, however, when Wanda does the same, she becomes a villain. However, whenever Strange broke rules(on screen), it's usually for something good, for eg, he reversed time in the final fight of the first Dr. Strange movie and used Time Stone against Dormammu, however, he did it to protect the Earth, he gave up Time Stone to Thanos to protect the universe, he used the spell to brainwash the whole reality to help Peter, he used the same spell at the end of the same movie to stop the multiverse from breaking. On the other hand, what Wanda did by breaking the rules seems a bit selfish. She did it to bring her loved ones back to life, she is using the Darkhold to get her kids back who never actually existed in MCU.  This is most likely the scene where Wanda turns into the true villain of the movie.

In one of the scene, it looks like she most likely reached a reality where her kids do exist where the Wanda of this reality most likely tries to calm down the "Scarlet Witch" Wanda. This reality Wanda seems to be the one that may join Strange against the MCU Wanda to protect her kids.

In the next scene, Mordo attacks Strange who is handcuffed, most likely this is taking place in the Illuminati headquarters that we saw earlier in this trailer. This may also signify that Mordo is most likely a part of the Illuminati. Now Illuminati is a secret organisation an only leaders of different teams are a part of it. Therefore, this could be Illuminati from an alternate universe where Mordo is Sorcerer Supreme(instead of Wong). Alternatively, it could be a multiversal version of Illuminati.

In the last scene, Strange seems to be surrounded by some ghostly kind of beings that he seems to absorb later. There are rumours that this could potentially be an alternate universe version of Strange (Yeah, another one) known as "Defender Strange".


At the end of the trailer, the release date has been shown as "May 6th" and I really hope that it doesn't get delayed anymore.

So that was my breakdown of "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" trailer.

I hope you like it. Do let me know your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below.

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Have a wonderful day ahead....
