My Introduction to super heroes

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing great. Just a quick note, this is gonna be a bit of a personal blog and it’s gonna be all over the place, so my apologies in advance. So let’s begin.

Every super hero fan start somewhere, well, that’s technically true for anything else as well. At a very young age, I was aware of a few super heroes like Batman, Superman and Shaktimaan, however, the max. I knew about any of them was how they looked like, nothing more that that.

One day, I believe the year was 2000, my mother introduced me to a new TV program in a TV channel named “Star Plus”. The program was called “Fox Kids”. Well, I was really unaware of the fact that it was much more than a TV program and had been existing since even before I was born. For me it was just a TV program that used to air from Monday-Friday evening. Now “Fox Kids” had what we today know as “1990’s Marvel Animated Universe”. The first show I watched in Fox Kids was “Spider-Man: The Animated Series” from episode 1 and I have been a Spidey fan ever since then. Fox Kids was also my introduction to several other super heroes including Iron-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer, The Incredible Hulk(as well as his alternate version), She-Hulk, etc.

This introduction is what made me a Marvel fan even though I wasn’t aware of the difference between Marvel and DC. So please don’t blame me if I seem more biased towards Marvel over DC in my blogs.

Even though my introduction to super heroes was from Marvel, doesn’t really mean that I have never followed any shows or movies from the DC side. Since I am born and raised in India, the US based animated shows were delayed by even a decade for some shows, but I was luck enough that I could at least understands what going on in these shows when they came out in my country, even though I was just 5-6 years of age back then. I did had some favourites from DC side too, mostly 1990's shows like Batman the animated series, Superman, Justice League the animated series, but my top two favourites were Bataan Beyond (which was known as Batman of the future in my country) and Teen Titans(not to be confused with Teen Titans Go).

To be honest, I really prefer Teen Titans over Teen Titans Go because of the art style and the dark and serious tone of “Teen Titans”. I am not saying that Teen Titans Go is bad in any way, I really enjoyed that too, it’s just that I grew up with “Teen Titans”, so there’s a connection of nostalgia.

Justice League Animated series was pretty good as well. I was not introduced to “The Avengers” before Marvel made a movie with that title. The concept of super heroes teaming up to fight the bad guys felt awesome to me. Despite all of that, in current time, I really prefer MCU over DCEU. I still remember, when the movie “Iron-Man” was released in 2008, it reminded me of the 1990's animated series that I used to like so much, that originally made Iron-Man my second favourite super hero. So I went to watch the movie and the theatre was almost empty. I was still pretty young, so I went with my parents and looking at the empty theatre we had zero expectations, well guess what, not just me, even my parents loved the movie. On the other hand, back when the movie “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” came out, I watched the movie, well at least I tried to, and I fell asleep sometime during the first scene itself. Although I did watched and even liked the first Wonder Woman and Aquaman movies. I even liked the movie “Shazaam”, however I still don’t follow DCEU (no offence). Just because I don’t follow DCEU doesn’t mean that you should do the same. Everyone have different preferences, so watch whatever you like to. Just because I don’t follow DC, doesn’t mean that I know nothing about it, just because I follow Marvel, doesn’t mean that mean that I know everything about it. Also, I also do follow other stuffs that has no connection with Marvel or DC, so there may be blogs in this site related or not related to anything that I mentioned in this blog.

I know that this feels more like what should have been my first blog, but, well, whatever.

Anyways, if you guys have any thoughts and suggestions, just drop them in the comment section below.

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