Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel Disney+ series - My thoughts

 Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

In this blog, I am going to share my thoughts on upcoming Diseny+ series "Moon Knight" and "Ms. Marvel".

I'll be honest, I have not much idea regarding both these characters, so I will not be comparing them with their comic book counterpart.

Let's start with Moon Knight. A friend of mine did tell me a bit about the character and what I saw in the trailer is not much different. I have heard that Moon Knight is somewhat like Marvel's version of Bat-Man and the Marvel fans are super excited about the series. Now I am not a big fan of DC, however, based on the Moon Knight trailer, I would prefer Bat-Man over Moon Knight. I do not mean to say that it's bad in any way, so let me explain. The main character apparently have some kind of multiple personality disorder, he himself doesn't know who he actually is and then he goes through something the grants him with another personality in the form of Moon Knight. It's a bit different from for example Peter Parker becoming Spider man as even as Spider-Man, Peter is still Peter. I understand that Marvel is trying to do something different from what they have dine in the first three phases. The first phase was about the establishment. In phase four, so far, we had 

  • Wanda realising her full potential
  • Sam, a non-super soldier becoming the first well know Black Captain America
  • An alternate version of Loki beginning to transform into a multiverse level hero
  • Clint found a Kate who gets trained  by him and will become the next Hawkeye, 
  • We also had our introduction to Eternals and a bit more closer introduction to the Celestials
  • We got introduced to the original Ten-Rings organisation(of MCU) as well Shang-Chi who inherits his mother's martial arts style and powers with his father's strength and Ten-Rings.
  • We also had Peter meeting alternate versions of himself from other universes(from past Spiderman movies), fight against those Spiderman's enemies, losing his aunt and sacrificing his everything to save his reality.
Moon Knight is supposed be add an interesting spice to phase four of MCU, however it seems to be a bit confusing, just like 2019's DC movie "Joker" an to be honest I don't like shows and movies that causes so much of confusion, due to which I am not too excited about the series. However I will definitely give it a try. This series will be released at the end of this month.

Now, lets get to Ms. Marvel. Trailer for this series just a few days back and unlike Moon Knight, I am really very excited for this series. Unlike Moon Knight, the story of Ms. Marvel felt much more relatable to me. most of us have either gone thought or are going through our teenage days. Life is a bit complicated during teenage. You are not a kid anymore, even though you still are a kid. You are not an adult yet, however you are becoming an adult. During teenage, we are somewhere between childhood and adulthood which make life a bit complicated. We know much more than what we knew as a kid, but not as much as an adult, so we fantasise thing like being a hero, even though we only understand how exciting it is, but not understand the responsibilities of a hero. For Kamala, Captain Marvel is a role model and she wants to become a super hero just like her, however she also feels that a brown girl from New Jersey doesn't sound like the types that would become a super hero, as there hasn't been one yet, not to her knowledge. However, things change when her fantasies become reality, she gains powers(most likely through the bracelet they showed in the trailer) and becomes a hero. However, she is still a kid who might not understand how big of a responsibility it is. With time she will realise that, accept herself the way she is and embrace it to be the hero she is meant to be. 

That's all from my side.

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Have a wonderful day ahead....

