Tony's sons - Like Father Like Sons

 Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

In this blog we are going to discuss about how similar is Tony's son like Tony in Earth-199999 (a.k.a. MCU).

Let's first discuss about Tony first. Anthony Stark (a.k.a Tony Stark) was born on May 29, 1970 to Howard and Maria Stark. Howard have been so busy in his vision that Tony started to feel as if Howard didn't cared from him at all. Because of that, Tony and Howard had some what of a bitter relationship. Howard was a genius, however Tony did easily managed to surpass his father in that department. After Howard and Maria got brutally murdered by the Winter Soldier, Tony took over Stark Industry along with Obadiah Stane.

After that, as time went on, Tony started to make some enemies mostly unknowingly, while Howard also seemed to have left some enemies along the way that Tony had to deal with later.

After Tony got captured by the Ten Rings (not the original Ten Rings that was founded by Xu Wenwu), Tony agreed to build the Jericho, however he had some plans of his own. Tony used the time and resourced to first build a miniaturised Arc Reactor(something that even his father could not do) in order to power that magnet that was keeping the shrapnel away from his heart, and also built his very first suite of armour powered by the same arc reactor. He used the armour to escape the Ten Rings.

Eventually this arc reactor stated to have side effects that started to kill him. It was around this time that Fury provided him with his father's life's work that he left for Tony. He also revealed that arc reactor that Howard made was an incomplete version and that Howard believed that the only one who can complete it was Tony. While Tony was reading through his father's work while watching the videos related to theme left by his father, he learns how his father actually felt about him. In the video, Howard spoke to Tony, telling him all of his work, all of what he made, was all for Tony. Not just that, Howard also said that "What is and always will be, my greatest creation is you".

Tony eventually succeeded in creating a new element that powered his new arc reactor. Later, Tony using the completed arc reactor technology to power the Stark Tower(as shown at the beginning of the first Avengers movie). In order to end the Chitauri Invasion, to government fired a nuclear missile towards New York that Tony redirected towards the mother ship, thereby ending the invasion. Tony went through a portal to do this after which he saw the mother ship before it blew up, this lead to his PTSD that had till the end of his life. Tony saw what was out there in space and realised that they had no much chance against those aliens. He therefore started to prepare for the day when they would return, he just knew that they would return. Tony was ready to do anything to prevent what happened in the first Avengers movie again.

At the end, he started to work on a program, the details of which he shared only with Bruce. He started to work on the Iron Legion that worked on protecting everyone. The Iron Legion was run by JARVIS. Tony's vision was to expand this army, to have the suite of armours around the globe so that the next time any alien invaders arrive, the Iron legion was deal with them before they reach the Earth's Surface, not letting people even know that something happened, ensuring security around the globe and maintain global peace. He knew that this was not possible with JARVIS, he therefore started to work on the program that he discussed with Bruce.

The only thing that stopped him from achieving this was the limitation of resources. In the beginning of Age of Ultron, the Avengers attack a Hydra base to retrieve Loki's Sceptre. Tony managed to reach the room with the sceptre where Wanda took over his mind to show him is greatest fear, his vision of the Avengers failing to stop the invasion. He also saw his comrades die, with Steve even telling him that he could have saved them. After that, Wanda just allowed Tony to take the sceptre as she knew that it would lead him to self destruction.

Tony convinced Bruce to use the sceptre to complete the program he discussed with him earlier, the "Ultron Program". After a lot of tries, they failed to compete the project and JARVIS continued to process while they went to celebrate their victory against Hydra. While JARVIS continues the process, there was a success, Ultron cam to life. Even though he never accepted it, Ultron was not much different from his father "Tony". First he started to find out who he really is. When JARVIS informed him that Ultron is a part of Tony's peace keeping program, he quickly started to get information of Tony, Avengers, Humans, etc and realised that the greatest threat to the planet was none other than humans. He decided to bring an end to the human species and took over Iron Legion to atack and end the Avengers first. Before proceeding to do so, JARVIS tried to reboot Ultron, however Ulton, knowing that JARVIS is the only one who could stop him, decided to kill JARVIS. Just like his father, Ultron wanted global peace and was ready to do anything for it. Even Ultron's personality was pretty similar to Tony as also pointed out by Klaue. As Wanda said during the same movie, "Ultron doesn't know the difference between saving the world and destroying it." This was even the case with Tony where, in order to save the world, he ended up creating Ultron that desired Human Extinction. Just like Tony in his early days, Ultron also hated his father. Unlike Tony though, Ultron went so far that he had to be killed by his own sibling "Vision".

Unlike Ultron, who inherited his father's destructive path, Vison inherited his father's urge for knowledge and protect life. As Vision also said that he is on the side of life while Ultron isn't. Vision proved that by having Wanda destroy the mid stone on his forehead, something that could kill him, before Thanos could get his hands on the mind stone. He was ready to sacrifice his life to protect everyone. I know that a lot of you may be like "Vision was technically never alive", however we must remember that the final body that Ultron intended to create using Vibranium, the body that eventually became Visions's body, was really close to a human body. It was like a human body made out of Vibranium. Not just that, Vision had the mind stone attached to his forehead and as Tony stated, he is learning and growing with time. He was like Mitsuki from Boruto series, never born but alive. This readiness to sacrifice was something that he inherited from his father Tony who eventually sacrificed his life to save the universe.

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