Watched for the first time: Daredevil - Season 1/Episode 1

Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

So, yeah, I didn't watch any of the Marvel Netflix series before. You see, back when these series started, I was not as big of MCU fan as I am today, therefore I was not even aware of the existence of these at least until the release of "End Game" movie. Even after I learned about the existence of these, I got the information that it has very little connection to MCU, so was wan't even interested. Then, Kingpin appeared in "Hawkeye" series and Matt Murdock appeared in "Spider-Man: No Way Home" (Currently available in Amazon Prime in India) movie and then the Marvel Netfilx series got released in Disney+ (in most countries) and things changed. Marvel Netflix series are now officially a part of MCU. Additionally, one of a friend actually watched some of these series and I received a really good feedback. Therefore  I finally decided to give 'em a try.

So I decided to watch these series based on the release order as I believe that is how these are intended to be watched. So I started of with Daredevil season 1 episode one. I had a really high expectations, and guess what, this episode met and even exceeded my expectation. Let us begin with what I learned in this episode.

I knew that Matt is a lawyer since he  appeared in the third MCU Spiderman movie as a lawyer, however in this episode I learned that he even has a partner named Foggy with whom he runs "Nelson and Murdock" law firm. Apparently, this episode is also the beginning of their journey as lawyers, so that mean that I din't miss something, a fact that I am glad about. Foggy is the types who doesn't hesitate to take a dark path in order to achieve his goals, however, he doesn't really seem to be evil types. I really hope that the writers don't prove me wrong as I really liked his personality. He seem to be the type that may give a bit of Sheldon Cooper level entertainment level for the series. Also, it is revealed that the events of this series begins sometime not too long after the events of the first Avengers movie, so that was really helpful. We are also to Ms. Karen Page who is the suspect of the first case that they get. Based on the end of the episode, she seem to be more of a long term character. We are also been introduced to a mysterious suited guy who works for someone that had not been revealed. Please note that I have not watched any trailers for any of these Netflix series so do not know what to expect, however I believe that this suited guy could be working under Wilson Fisk - The Kingpin. Then again, I have no idea what to expect, so I could be wrong. It is also revealed that the existence of super heroes has been somehow helping the ground level criminals and gangsters. One of the abilities of Matt that was been revealed in this episode was his ability to listen to people's heartbeats and find out if a person is telling the truth or lie.

Overall I really loved this episode and am looking forward to watching the rest of the series.

Anyways, if you guys have any thoughts and suggestions, just drop them in the comment section below.

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