Watched for the first time: Daredevil - Season 1/Episode 2

 Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

So, after watching Daredevil Season 1 Episode 1, I finally watched episode 2 today. The last episode ended with Matt using his hearing to track people in need of his help, showing how unstoppable he could be.

The beginning of episode 2 shocked me a bit with Matt in a dumpster, badly wounded, in a condition where he could potentially die. Someone however found him and luckily for Matt, tried to help him instead of running away. He gets a bit of the medical attention, however he really need to visit a hospital for a full scan and treatment. However he refuses to be taken to a hospital. The nurse treating his wounds have already seen his face, however he refuses to reveal much of the information regarding himself. Matt is curious to know the reason for her helping him out and to be honest I was also starting to suspect if she was involved with bad guys.

There are still people searching for Matt and they even approach the building where hi is getting treated. Matt shows an amazing display of his skills using it to track the details regarding the people approaching this nurse's door. At the end, the nurse reveals that there has been rumours about some criminals getting beating up badly before the cops reach them as well as people who are getting rescued by a man wearing a black mask. This mean that it has been quite some time since Matt has been doing his "adventures" now. Matt reveals that he was trying to rescue a boy that bad guys kidnapped, he was a bit overconfident and ended up in the trap that the bad guys prepared for him. He therefore got beaten up badly. After getting treated, he catches one of the bad guys who was trying to track him and threatened him to find out the kid's location. At the end Matt revealed that he does because he really enjoys it. He said this just to scare the bad guy and the bad guy ended up revealing the kid's location. Matt gets to the location and rescues the kid. 

This adventure of his was pretty suspenseful as he was badly injured and not in a condition to fight. I knew that he is going to survive as I already know that there are three seasons of Daredevil and Matt even appeared in the third MCU Spiderman movie, however, I was still a bit nervous. In my opinion, all of this was not even the best part of this episode, the part that I liked the most was Matt and his father's back story. I could be wrong but what I understand from the backstory was that Matt's father was strong enough to win, however he lost every time as he would have been killed if he won, however he would earn money if he losses. At the end he decided that he was Matt to hear him win and so he went ahead and won the fight, made arrangements to transfer the money he wins in Matt's account, and gets shot at the end. The backstory was sad, but nevertheless, it was the best part of the episode for me.

Overall I really loved this episode and am looking forward to watching the rest of the series.

Anyways, if you guys have any thoughts and suggestions, just drop them in the comment section below.

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