Watched for the first time: One Piece - Episode 1-64

Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

So, I have been trying to avoid this anime for quite some time as it is such a long series. Last year(2022), however, I decided to give it a try and I did started watching it. I did liked the series(to be honest not as much as Naruto series but I do think that this is a must try series), however I could not sustain for long as I quit watching it after episode 64. It's a pretty long series and I had other things to do as well, so I had to quit. However, recently I decided to continue from where I left. I don't know for how long I will be able to sustain, however I would like to give it a try. Before continuing my journey, I wanted to post a review blog on my journey so far.

So I don't actually remember much as it's been months since I watched it, however I do remember somethings. Let's start with the main characters introduced so far. 

Starting with Luffy. Monkey 'd Luffy is the main protagonist of the series, his goal is to become king of pirates and his personality is somewhat similar to Satoshi(aka Ash Ketchum) from Pokemon and Naruto from Naruto series (not including Boruto as he is much more matured in Boruto series). He consumed a devil fruit as a kid that gave him elasticity or as the characters in the series say it made him a rubber man, however as a side effect, he can not swim anymore.

The next character we have is Zoro. Zoro is a swordsman whose goal is to become the greatest swordsman. He learned the art of swordsmanship as a kid, considered his master's daughter as his rival as she was really the strongest swordsman he met back then. He worked hard to become expert of handling three swords at once. After she passed away, Zoro promised to become the greatest swordsman. For his financial survival, Zoro became a bounty hunter. He thirst for challenge and usually gets lazy and sleepy if he doesn't feel been challenged or interested by something.

The next one is Nami. Nami is a navigator and has a goal of drawing a world map. She was a member of merman pirates in order to protect her village. She was a thief for survival and still seem to be a bit kleptomaniac.

Next we come to Ussop. Ussop is a marksman and tends to lie a lot. At times he seem like a coward, however when the situation required he gains courage to use his abilities to help his friends.

The last one so far is Sanji. Sanji is the chef and not someone to be underestimated. He does have combat ability and prefer to only use his legs for combat. He reminds me a bit of Takeshi(Brock) from Pokemon anime.

There is a treasure named One Piece that Luffy and his crew are after and that is why the series is called One Piece. This treasure is somewhere in a region know as The Grand Line. By episode 64, Luffy's crew a.k.a. The Straw hat crew have reached the island where a group of Bounty hunters know as the Baroque works have tricked them and everyone, except Zoro are asleep due to consuming alcohol. Zoro however, as a former Bounty hunter, is aware of their existence and have challenged them.

So far, they have covered the backstory of all the main characters and they have done a really great job doing that. We have met several other characters that also poses powers of devil fruit. The marine have been shown mainly as one of the antagonist so far, however it's primarily because corruption in the higher levels. The straw hat crew have proven that they are good pirates i.e. they are not the types that intend to loot or harm the innocent, they are just the explorers of the sea that turns to warriors of the sea if challenged be evil in order to protect the innocent which is something that I really liked about this series.

Anyways, if you guys have any thoughts and suggestions, just drop them in the comment section below.

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Have a wonderful day ahead....
