Origin of Ramiverse Spiderman's Powers

Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

In this blog, we are gonna explore the origin of Rami verse's (Earth-96283) Spiderman.

So it all begins in first Rami verse Spiderman movie where Peter visits "Columbia university science department" with his classmates for a field trip. A scientist guides them throughout the trip. The scene begins with the scientist showing and explaining about some spiders. We are primarily show just four of them. all of them were shown for reasons. All four of these spiders are relevant to the origin of this universe's version of Spiderman's powers.

Lets see these facts one by one.

  • First of all, the scientist says "There are over 32000 species of spider in the world". Kindly note that here they meant "Arachnids" and not "Spiders" as per the facts she presented after this statement.
  • The species are divided into 3 groups and Arachnids from each posses varying strength
  • These groups are:
    • Order Scorpiones(Scorpions)
    • Order Araneae(Spiders)
    • Order Acari(Ticks and mites)
  • This strength helps them for their constant hunt for food.
  • After this, the scientist presents three spiders.
  • The first spider was "Delena Spider"
    • they belong to the family "Sparassidae" or flat huntsman spider. 
    • This spider is native to Australia and have deadly venomous bite.
    •  They don't spin webs. Has the ability to jump to catch it's prey. 
    • Guess what, this is what gives Spidey of this universe the ability to jump.
  • The second spider was "Net web spider"
    • They belong to the family Filistatidae genus "Kukulcania". 
    • Prevents pests like Beetles, cockroaches, houseflies, and other insects
    • Have excellent webbing ability.
    • This is from where Spidey of this universe gets organic webbing.
  • The third spider was "Grass Spider"
    • They hunts using reflexes with nerve-conduction velocity so fast that some researchers believe it almost borders on precognition. 
    • This ability is what the scientist also name "a spider-sense".
    • Clearly, this is the source of this universe's Spidey's "Spider Sense".
  • After showing these three spiders, the scientist presents the fourth spider.
  • The scientist explains that after five years of research, "Columbia's genetic research facility" used DNA blueprints and transfer RNA to encode an entirely new genome and combined these genetic information of the 3 spiders into 15 genetically designed super-spiders.
  • In other words, they managed to combine the DNA of the three spiders shown before and create a new species of spiders, one with the abilities of all these spiders.
  • As we already know, one of the spider was missing, but we did saw one of the spider(that was not missing) in the container along with the missing one(that eventually bit Peter) and by the looks of it, all 15 of the spiders are having same abilities.
  • After the missing spider bit Peter, in the background there was a screen in which they displayed the abilities of this new species of spider.
  • The below is the list of the abilities shown.
    • Web Tension Strenght(Strong webbing)
    • Super Strength
    • Jumping
    • Speed
    • Spider Sense
    • Pre-cognition
    • Speed
    • Combine protein pairs
  • They also showed how these combined with the DNA and how it impacts the DNA

So that was the origin of Ramiverse Spiderman (Played by Tobey Maguire)

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