Watched for the first time: Dragon Ball : Commander Red Arc - Fifth Arc

 Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

This is the fifth part of "Watched for the first time: Dragon Ball". In this blog, I am going to share my experience with the third arc titled "Commander Red Arc" from second saga of the series titled "Red Ribbon Army Saga".

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Now, let's begin with our blog.


Four start ball and protector of the holy land

The arc begins with Captain Yellow's squad successfully tracking the four star Dragon Ball in an active volcano in the sacred land of Karin. Before they could get their hands on the four star Dragon Ball however, the volcano explodes. The four star Dragon Ball lands in the hands of Bora - the protector of the holy land of Karin - and his son Upa. Captain Yellow's squad then manage to find the four start Dragon Ball and demands Bora to hand it over to them. Bora starts to eliminate all of them until only Captain Yellow was left. Yellow abducts Upa and demands the Dragon Ball in exchange of Upa, However Goku, who is in search of the four start dragon ball, arrives to the scene, defeating Captain Yellow and rescuing Upa. As a token of thanks, Bora gives the dragon ball to Goku.

Enters the Assassin

 Meanwhile, in the Red Ribbon Headquarters, General Blue returns. He hands over the Dragon Radar that he managed to steal from Goku in the last arc, however Commander Red is still disappointed on his return without any Dragon Ball. Commander Red have already hired a world's top assassin Tao Pai Pai in order to eliminate Goku and retrieve the Dragon balls in his possession. Commander Red gives General Blue a chance to redeem himself by making him fight Tao Pai Pai. None of General Blue's attack, including his telekinetic attacks work on Tao Pai Pai while Tao Pai Pai ends up killing General Blue by just using his tongue. Tao Pai Pai then takes a part of the pillar of the Red Ribbon Army Headquarters and uses it as  a ride to get to Goku.

Goku Vs Tao Pai Pai   

Tao Pai Pai arrives the holy land of Karin and attempts to kill Goku. Bora tried to defend Goku, attacks Tao Pai Pai using his spear and immediately gets killed by his own spear. Goku then challenges Tao Pai Pai after fighting for a while, none of Goku's attacks were affecting Tao Pai Pai, therefore he had to rely on his Kamehameha. All that his Kamehameha did was destroy Tao Pai Pai's clothes. Tao Pai Pai then uses Dodonpa to put an instant end to Goku. This attack immediately puts an end to Goku. Tao Pai Pai then takes all the Dragon Balls that Goku has and then leaves to first get a new set of clothes based on his preferred design. The tailor gives him three days to get the clothes ready, therefore he contacts the Red Ribbon Army headquarters and informs them that he will return in three days.

Training at Karin Tower

In the sacred land of Karin, Goku regains consciousness sometime after Upa buries his father and before he could bury Goku. It turns out that Goku actually put the four star Dragon ball inside his shirt and the Dodonpa ended up hitting the Dragon Ball instead of Goku, leading to Goku's survival. Goku learns about the legend of the Karrin Tower. It is said that whoever climbs up the Karin Tower and reaches the top by his own strength is given the super holy water by Karin sama who lives at the top of Karin Tower. The Super Holy Water is said to be able to give a great boost to the strength to whoever drinks it. Goku tries to reach the top of the tower to get this water in order to defeat Tao Pai Pai. It takes him almost a day to reach the top. Once he reaches the top, he meets a cat who turns out to be Karin Sama. Karin Sama has the super holy water and challenges Goku to get it. Unable to get his hands on the holy water, Goku enquires if anyone before him ever succeeded in getting the super holy water, to which Karin Sama informs him that only one have succeeded to get to the top of the tower before Goku and it took him three years to get the super holy water, and he was none other than Goku's master Muten Roshi Sama. Goku gets tired and is starving, to which Karin Sama gives him Senzu Bean. On having just one bean, one will feel full for around next ten days. In the process of trying to get the super holy water, Goku is taught to use more of his senses, learning to sense using senses other than his eyes. In three days, Goku manages to get his hands on the super holy water. Goku drinks the water and gets informed by Karin sama that it's just regular tap water, however it's his training for getting the water that made him much stronger than before.

Rematch against Tao Pai Pai            

Tao Pai Pai returns to Holy land of Karin to get the four star ball. On arriving, he encounters Goku again. The two of them have a rematch. Goku proves to be much faster and is able to doge Tao Pai Pai's attacks much more efficiently than before. After fighting for a while, Tao Pai Pai realises Goku's true strength and then fake surrenders. He then throws a grande and jumps to get away from the explosion. Goku however, not getting fooled, immediately kicks the grenade  back towards Tao Pai Pai. The Grenade explodes killing Tao Pai Pai. Goku then promises Upa that he will gather the remaining Dragon Balls and then they will revive Bora using them.

Goku Vs Red Ribbon Army - The Final Strike    

Goku leaves towards the sixth Dragon Ball, the one in Red Ribbon Army Headquarters. On Commander Red's commands, the security gets lowered as they are expecting the return of Tao Pai Pai. Goku enters their hideout and by the time they realise that it's Goku and turn back the security, it way too late for them. Meanwhile, Bulma, Yamucha and the others leave concerned about Goku risking his life by going to Red Ribbon Army Headquarters all by himself. Goku easily gets to the headquarters and defeats countless members of the Red Ribbon Army. The surviving members start to evacuate to get to safety. Goku almost gets to the sixth Dragon Ball only to be stopped by officer Black. Later, Commander Red  drops the ceiling over Goku and Officer Black. So far, the whole Red Ribbon Army had been working hard to get the Dragon Balls to get their wish for world domination to become true. Now that it looked like Commander Red had won, thinking that Officer Black and Goku are dead, he reveals that he actually intended to use the Dragon Balls to get taller. Hearing this, Officer Black retaliates and puts an end to Commander Red. He then decides to be the new commander of Red Ribbon Army and lead them to worlds domination. On realising that Goku survived as well, Officer Black fights Goku using his Battle Jacket. Initially it looked like he had an upper hand in the fight, eventually he too gets taken down by Goku, putting and end to the Red Ribbon Army once and for all. By the time Bulma and the others arrive, Goku had already taken down the Red Ribbon Army all by himself. Goku's Dragon Radar however is not able to track the last Dragon Ball. The crew then leaves to Kame House to fix Goku's Dragon Radar.

My Thoughts    

So, it was an arc that was not just huge, but it was  divided into several different parts. That's the reason I had to divide the summary into so many sub sections. Unlike the last arc where even thought the arc was pretty huge, it was all centred around General Blue, there was so much going  on. Not only did Goku actually lost and almost died against a villain for the first time, we are also introduced to some new characters like Uppa and Bora, Tao Pai Pai, Officer Black and even Karin Sama. After almost dying, Goku gets some special training from Karin Sama that helped him defeat the undefeated world's number one assassin Tao Pai Pai. So far, Goku had been collecting the Dragon Balls just to get the four star ball. After getting the four star ball in the beginning of this arc, Bora's death gave Goku a purpose to collect the remaining two balls (one of which he obtained by the end of this arc). Officer Black's loyalty to the Red Ribbon Army over Commander Red was pretty impressive. Goku finally took down Red Ribbon Army all by himself was pretty impressive as well considering how strong Officer Black and his determination was. Just like how Avengers End Game is not the last movie of MCU phase three but still feels like the end of phase three, this arc feels like  the end of the Red Ribbon Army Saga, even though we are still left with one last arc in the saga. I really liked this arc over all. I will give this arc a rating of 8.75 out of 10.

Anyways, if you guys have any thoughts and suggestions, just drop them in the comment section below.

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