Watched for the first time: Moon Knight - Episode 1

Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

If  you follow my blogs and have already ready my blog titled "Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel Disney+ series - My thoughts", then you would already know how low were my expectations. I still wanted to give it a try, so I watched the first episode of the Moon Knight series.

So, I was really not very excited for this series, however, episode 1 didn't really disappointing. I actually somewhat liked that and even had some predictions for the next episode. So lets get started.

So we are introduced to Steven Grant who works in a gift shop. He seems to have a calm personality and seems to have great knowledge regarding the Egyptian mythology. He even mentions stuffs like the great pyramid of Giza, a person's heart is used to be judged in the underworld, Fields of Reeds, Goddess Taweret(that his boss refers to as "the hippos"), The Ennead (A group of nine Egyptian Gods), some more Egyptian Gods ( like Horus, Osiris, Tefnut). He even reads books related to Egyptian mythology(including a chapter on "The Ennead")

He does have some issues thought. There are times when he sleeps and then wakes up somewhere else and he has no clue why. Due to this, he takes precautionary measures like using ankle restraints, etc and even tries to stay awake. One day, he woke up somewhere else yet again, this time he hears a voice telling him to surrender the body to Marc. Marc is another personality that resides with Steven's body. Apparently, whenever Steven sleeps, Marc gains control over the body and he leaves for his missions of some kind I guess. Also, based on the last scene of this episode, it looks like the two personalities can communicate with one another using reflective surfaces like say mirrors. 

 There is a scene where Steven seems to be haunted  by someone wearing a suit similar to the Moon Knight's Suite but with a bird like face.

I know that in comics, Moon Knight gets his powers from an Egyptian God. Since this character seems to have Moon Knight like outfit, this could be the Egyptian God that sort of possessed him.

The only other main character that we are been introduced to is a guy named "Authur Harrow". He is actually the first character that appeared in this episode. In the very first scene or this episode and this series, he broke a glass, filled his shoes with broken pieces of this glass, wears the shoes and walks away as if nothing happened. He seem to someone who worship Ammit. Ammit is an Egyptian goddess who is said to be "soul eater" who judges people based on their past, present and future.   

 Harrow posses some kind of a staff as well as some sort of a measuring scale like tattoo using which he judges people in the name of Ammit. The ones deemed unworthy die instantly. Also, he refers Steven as a Mercenary. This could mean that Marc, who is the other personality that Steven shares his body with, could be a mercenary. Harrow believes that if Ammit was free, then a lot of bad things including world war 2 would never have happened as people like Hitler would have been judged by Ammit even before he started the war. Harrow uses his judgement mechanism on Steven, however he finds that there is chaos within him. Due to this, Steven was neither judged worthy, nor unworthy. Harrow is after a scarab that is in Steven's possession. At the end of  the episode, Authur sends some sort of a Jackal Monster that attacks Steven. This shows how Harrow is ready to do anything to get his hands on the scarab. 

It has also been revealed that Ammit is currently sealed. The scarab could be something that might be required to free her and therefore Harrow is trying to get it.

Based on the end of the episode, it feels like the next episode could potentially be a flashback showing Marc and Steven connection as well as how did Marc became Moon Knight.

Overall, I really liked this episode and am really excited to watch the next one. I had really low expectation with this episode just like I had for "Wanda Vision" Episode 1. "Wanda Vision" series was amazing, however it's first few episodes were really not so appealing to me, however, Moon Knight episode 1 really impressed me and exceeded my expectations. The only thing I fear about this series is the confusion that would cause because of the two personalities as I already mentioned in my previous blog. I know that the confusion is inevitable, however I hope that the writers handle it properly. 

Anyways, if you guys have any thoughts and suggestions, just drop them in the comment section below.

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Have a wonderful day ahead....      
