Boruto lost his eye - Boruto Manga Chapter 78

 Hello everyone, I hope y’all are doing great.

In this blog we are going to discuss how Boruto lost his eye in Boruto Manga Chapter 78.

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"The end has  already begun" - Momshiki (Boruto Chapter 78)


At the end of chapter 77, Kawaki sealed Naruto and Hinata in another dimension. Chapter 78 begins with everyone getting informed that Naruto and Hinata's chakra disappeared shortly after Kawaki's chakra briefly registered. Boruto immediately rushes to confront Kawaki. Eida informs everyone what Kawaki has done and also about his plan of killing Boruto again. Sarada, who was now got informed of of the fact that Kawaki was the one who killed Boruto earlier, in the fear of losing Boruto again, rushes behind Boruto in order make sure it doesn't happen again. Boruto asks Kawaki what he has done to his parents to which Kawaki informs him that they are sealed in a dimension where the time is frozen, to make sure that they don't age or starve. This then breaks a fight between Boruto and Kawaki. Sarada arrives the scene to which Kawaki warns her to leave or she would end up dead. She however decides to confront Kawaki saying that as a shinobi who aims to be a hokage, she will stop him. To this, Kawaki tells her that shinobi will be the first in the line who will perish. Kawaki then attacks Sarada. Boruto attempts to protect her, as a result he loses his eye.

Before Kawaki could step any further, Shikamaru arrives the scene and stops Kawaki using his Shadow Paralysis Jutsu. Sasuke also arrives the scene holding his sword on Kawaki's neck.
Momoshiki the temporarily takes over Boruto's consciousness and allows Kawaki to escape. Boruto then gains control while Momoshiki informs him that Boruto losing his eye means that the end has already begun.

My Thoughts

I was actually not expecting Boruto losing his eye happening so soon after Hinata and Naruto's disappearance. However based on the scenario, it does makes sense. I am still a bit confused for the  reason Momoshiki helping Kawaki escape knowing that Kawaki wants to kill Momoshiki. When Shikamaru used Shadow Paralysis on Kawaki, I honestly thought that Kawaki would immediately absorb the shadow paralysis jutsu, I was surprised that he didn't, in turn he started explaining some what of his reason for what he did. Sasuke's appearance was surprising too, however it was indeed a good surprise. I really wish that the writers would do justice to Konohamaru by making him at least a bit more useful instead of just using him as a side character. looks like the age of shinobi is really about to be over, just as Kawaki said in the flash forward at the beginning of the Boruto series.  

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